Users Manual

Team LSCT Integrated User Support

Instructions for using our web application

Link to your web application:


We have provided tooltips for the following functionalities:

To access the tooltips, simply hover over the corresponding feature or use the keyboard.

Help Menu

We offer the following content in our help menu:

You can access the help menu by clicking on the "Help" or "?" icon that is displayed next to a functionality. You can also find the help menu in the navigation.

The following content will be made

Manage Paperwork

  1. Upload New Document - This button allows you to select a document from your computer and upload it to the documents list. You can also add additional information such as: the name, description and the type. You may also add tags to this document to make it easier to organize/find.

  2. My Uploaded Document(s) - This button displays a list of documents that you have uploaded in the past. You can find the name, date, and status of this document. You can close this screen via the close button.

  3. Edit Document - This button allows you to edit currently uploaded documents. Incase of error or required change, this allows you to make changes.

  4. Delete Document - This button allows you to delete a document from the list rendering it out of view. Warning: This action removes the file permanently.

  5. The categories of these documents can help you identify and understand better these files. You may also click the small eye icon to have a little preview of the document as a reminder!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I sign in?

    To sign in you must navigate to the Login page and enter your e-mail address along with your password. Click login and you will be forwarded to your dashboard!

  2. How do I manage paperwork?

    On the Manage Paperwork page you can view all paperwork. Click Upload New Document in order to add new documents to the list. Select file type, name, description and click Save Changes, or Cancel to cancel.

    Click My Uploaded Documents in order to view all of your previously uploaded documents! You can also delete or edit documents under the Options tab via the Pencil icon or Trashcan icon respectively.

  3. How do I manage meals?

    On this page you can view all meal subscriptions. You may click All meal subscriptions to view all subscriptions, or Your Meal subscriptions to view your own. Allergie will also be displayed at the top in a red warning box!

  4. What more can I manage?

    Clicking on the Manage button in the navigation will open all of the options that you can manage.